
Khalifa Innovation Center (KIC) runs bootcamp and incubation programs tailored to provide participants with the necessary entrepreneurial skills and knowledge to push research discoveries from laboratory to market. This involves focused training on understanding the market, development of business models, assessing financial plans, product development, startup organization, investment models, team role and pitching to investors, and much more to support launch of successful startups.

KIC Program & Activities
Entrepreneurship & Mentorship
Business Model
Technology Acceleration & Product Development
Investment Cycles
Intellectual Property Review
Pitching to Investors

To become the prime driver of the high tech, high impact innovation ecosystem in the UAE.

The strategy to make our vision a reality,
  • Make available all necessary support required to create and sustain start-ups.
  • Deliver the benefit of a diversified knowledge ecosystem to the UAE as described in the Abu Dhabi 2030 plan and the UAE 2021 plan.
  • Increase the competitiveness of the UAE by increasing patent applications, start-ups and licensing.

Entrepreneurship-bootcamp and incubation programs for transforming science and engineering research discoveries into successful startups.

KIC Board Members
Let's Talk
If you have any enquiries regarding the program or booking the space, Contact now !!

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